| The Grand Stitchers Club welcomes all new Members WHO ARE RESIDENTS (Owners or Renters) or NON-RESIDENT Owners of The Grand, Surprise, AZ (formally Sun City Grand) and who have a valid CAM card. |
The “Home” and "About Us" pages provide information about the Club, and the "Special Interest Groups" pages present details about the many groups that meet weekly. If you are into any form of fabric art, fiber manipulation or beading, you will find groups to join. And you will discover that our 400+ members are friendly, helpful and willing to share ideas and techniques.
Use of a beautiful well-outfitted studio, filled with specialty machines
Access to classes taught be members of our Club
One dues payment covers membership in all Special Interest Groups
Multiple opportunities to give back to the community by creating items to donate
Most Special Interest Groups have lending libraries; including books, patterns, and some tools
Volunteering from committees give you opportunities to make new friendships
Discount card for members from a local quilt store
Access to our Club’s website with information on events, classes, machine reservations, weekly news/blogs about what’s going on
The Club's membership dues are $40 a year, with annual renewals in January. Additionally there is a one-time charge of $9.00 for a name badge.
Along with the Benefits of Membership come responsibilities to provide service to the club. We ask each member to spend 6 hours per year in service to the club. The primary means of earning these “Service Credits” is to sit at the Monitor’s Desk, greeting guests and checking members into the room. Other supportive activities can be used to earn the Service Credits. For instance: being an officer of the club, teaching a class, volunteering to help clean the room.
Come join the fun by clicking on the "JOIN US'' button below. Please have your 7-digit, CAM number available. You will complete several screens that make up our Membership Application and let us know which activities interest you. You will also create a Username and Password.
Pay by Credit Card: Once you submit your application, you’ll be brought to the "Make Payment" page where you can pay the dues using a "Credit Card" link. A screenshot of how to access the “Credit Card” link is shown below
Once you complete the Member Signup steps and payment, you’ll immediately receive a welcome email from the Club with more information and instructions on how to login to the website.
If you have any questions about joining the Club, please email our Membership Chair at